A furnace that breaks down in the middle of a cold winter blitz can be extremely discomforting. In order to avoid the discomfort due to a broken furnace, it’s important that you take immediate action at the first sign of a failing furnace.

A number of tell-tale signs show that the furnace needs repair and replacement. Some of the warning signs are easily visible, but not all.

Only a professional technician can know what things to look to detect a failing furnace. Call Allbritten for furnace repair if you suspect that your furnace is struggling. Here are few of the more visible warning signs that could point to a failing furnace.

  • Furnace only provides cold air

    The most obvious sign that something is wrong with the furnace is cold air coming from the air registers. Most often, the cold air indicates a damaged heat exchanger or blower fan.

    Sometimes, the cold air is caused due to cracks in the ducts from which outside cold air may be entering the room. Whatever the cause of the cold air, it is important that you immediately contact Allbritten to take a look at your furnace.

  • Old age

    A furnace is a mechanical device that has a certain lifespan. Generally, the furnace will last about 15 to twenty years.

    If you have the furnace for more than 15 years, and the furnace is not able to warm the room properly, you should consider having the furnace replaced.

  • Abnormal burner flame color

    The flame of the furnace burner should be bright blue. A flickering or yellow flame indicates a faulty burner. This is also a sign that the furnace might be producing highly toxic carbon monoxide gas that poses a threat to the people in the home.

    You should immediately have the furnace checked by a professional if you see an abnormal color of the burner flame.

  • Strange smells or noises from the furnace

    If you notice a strange smell or hear unusual noises emanating from the furnace, you should consider having it checked by a professional technician. The strange noises or smells tend to occur when the furnace is at the end of its life and requires replacement.

  • Water pools around the furnace

    Do you see water pooling around that furnace? If so, it may indicate that your furnace may have developed a fault. A professional technician can diagnose the problem and tell you whether the furnace requires repair or replacement.

    Sometimes, the pooled water may not be a sign of trouble and may be due to faulty plumbing rather than a damaged furnace. Of course, Allbritten can help with plumbing repair, too. Getting the furnace checked by a professional will ensure that the issue is diagnosed and resolved promptly.

  • Allbritten can replace your failing furnace with a new system

    How many of the above signs apply to your home furnace? If you can identify any one of the above problems, you can contact Albritten for furnace repairs in Fresno, California. We have a team of expert technicians that can conduct all kinds of furnace repair and replacement.

    Meet the Author
    Aaron Marquez
    Aaron Marquez

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